
Please contact us about speaking at your event.

We are available to give lectures in-person or virtually for genealogical societies, historical societies, professional associations, and special interest groups.

Presentation Calendar


May 23 - RootsTech Live

Finding Your Elusive Female Ancestors: Part 2 – Utilizing DNA and Searching Her FAN Club

In the early history of many countries, women came under the legal status of their husbands, so their names are not always listed in the records. Utilizing DNA evidence and searching a female’s Family, Friends, Associates, and Neighbors (FAN Club) can help extend your female ancestral lines.
  • Learn how each type of DNA test can provide evidence for your female lines.
  • Understand the steps and strategies for using DNA to solve research questions.
  • Learn who is in the ancestor’s FAN Club, how to organize the findings, and the steps to conduct FAN Club research.

Link to Recording: The live feed was disrupted for a few minutes due to weather, so the recording is split in two: One and Two



Finding Your Elusive Female Ancestors: Part 1

In the early history of many countries, women came under the legal status of their husbands, so they are not always listed in the records. Finding the wife of your ancestor or identifying a maiden name can be challenging. Learn how to find U.S. records which may contain clues for your female ancestors and which methods are best for discovering the women in your family lines.

Link to Recording



March 4 - RootsTech

A Beginner’s Guide to Using DNA to Build Your Family Tree

DNA test results can provide evidence to help build your family tree. This class will provide an overview of DNA, the benefits and tools of the various DNA testing sites, and then the steps and strategies for using DNA to solve research questions.

