Available Presentations


Burned County Records: There’s Still Hope!

While researching family records, there is nothing more frustrating than coming to a roadblock in our work. One tragic roadblock occurs when a county has suffered record loss due to fire or other natural disasters, careless record keepers, lack of space, or war. Learn what we can do when a county suffered record loss.

Pre-1850 U.S. Research: Records and Methodologies for Success

There are many factors which make pre-1850 United States research more challenging. Learn the methods and strategies to use to be successful.

Finding Your Elusive Female Ancestors: Part 1

In the early history of many countries, women came under the legal status of their husbands, so they are not always listed in the records. Finding the wife of your ancestor or identifying a maiden name can be challenging. Learn how to find U.S. records which may contain clues for your female ancestors and which methods are best for discovering the women in your family lines.

Finding Your Elusive Female Ancestors: Part 2 - Utilizing DNA and Searching Her FAN Club

In the early history of many countries, women came under the legal status of their husbands, so their names are not always listed in the records. Utilizing DNA evidence and searching a female’s Family, Friends, Associates, and Neighbors (FAN Club) can help extend your female ancestral lines.

  • Learn how each type of DNA test can provide evidence for your female lines.

  • Understand the steps and strategies for using DNA to solve research questions.

  • Learn who is in the ancestor’s FAN Club, how to organize the findings, and the steps to conduct FAN Club research.

Seeing the Hidden Evidence: Cluster Research for Your Ancestors’ Family, Friends, Associates and Neighbors

Often when researching ancestors in early time periods or in counties with record loss, we cannot find the records needed to document our ancestor or extend a line. We often refer to this as a brick wall.​

By researching the FAN Club, also called cluster research, we can often find the clues necessary to piece together evidence which can lead us around the brick wall.

Which Records to Search First When Researching a New Person

Understanding which records provide the best information and which are easier to access can make your genealogy research time more productive. Learn which records which records to start with and how to utilize them to their fullest.



England and Wales Methodology

Do you have English or Welch ancestors? Learn how to understand the records for England and Wales, including the various jurisdictional levels as well as the legal, historical, and geographical framework.

Ireland Methodology

Have you heard that Irish research is too hard, or that “all the records have been destroyed?” While there is some truth to these statements, not all of the records of genealogical value have been destroyed. Learn some of the ways to try to get around the loss of records.

Scotland Methodology

Learn where to find the big four record types, as well as other valuable records often overlooked, and how to use them.

Using England’s Poor Law Records

The Tudor monarchy required each civil parish to care for its own poor. The Poor Law Act of 1601 introduced the first poor law records. Learn what why these records are valuable, where to find them, and how to use them.



A Beginner’s Guide to Using DNA to Build Your Family Tree

DNA test results can provide evidence to help build your family tree. This class will provide an overview of DNA, the benefits and tools of the various DNA testing sites, and then the steps and strategies for using DNA to solve research questions.

Organizing and Diagramming your DNA Matches to Solve Research Problems

Learn organization methods and learn diagramming software with example charts to show how you can extend your pedigree using your DNA results.

The Benefits and Pitfalls of Ancestry’s ThruLines

Ancestry’s ThruLines can be a powerful tool to build your family tree using genetic genealogy. Learn what you need to know to get started using ThruLines.



Creating a Research Reference Guide

The first step of any research project should be gathering information about the locality and available records. Learn how to set yourself up for a great genealogy research session with a research reference guide.

Professional Tips for Searching Effectively on FamilySearch & Ancestry

Both Ancestry & FamilySearch have billions of records to search. When you search their entire website in one general search, the results you need might be on page 26, so you never see them. Learn how to improve your results.

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